Optimizing Business with Top HR Software in Saudi Arabia

SowaanERP, the best HR software in Saudi Arabia, changes how HR is managed by giving features like accurate tracking of leaves and attendance, easy handling of expense claims, full management of payroll, and helping with hiring and checking work performance – a one-stop solution for all your HR needs.

Comprehensive employee management and contract types

An employee, a crucial part of your business, operates under a job agreement with specific rights and duties. These agreements, known as Employment Types, vary greatly in detail. This broad category encompasses numerous arrangements and expectations. Effective management of these aspects, possibly through cloud-based HR solutions UAE, ensures smooth operations and maintains a harmonious working environment.
Unified HR solutions

Organizational structure, health insurance, and workflow standardization

SowaanERP manages all HR tasks in one place, streamlines processes, and ensures regulatory compliance.

Sets up different departments to improve the organization and provide employees with good health insurance coverage. 

The system centralizes HR documents and procedures, enhancing efficiency and consistency.

Strategic hiring planning with SowaanERP

Plan and budget for hiring new people with SowaanERP’s advanced features.

Predict when you need more staff, so you’re ready for times when business picks up or during busy seasons. 

Matching your hiring plans ensures you hire in a way that saves money and works well. This makes your recruitment smarter and cost-saving.

Tool enable
Streamlined Recruitment Process

Job openings,applicant tracking

SowaanERP’s smart tools make it easier for you to plan and budget when you need to hire new staff. It helps you figure out when you will need more people to work for you, ensuring you are prepared for busy times or when your business is growing. By making sure your hiring plans fit with your available budget, it helps you hire the right people without overspending. This shows how important HR software UAE features are for making hiring simpler and more budget-friendly.

Leave types, periods, and allocations

SowaanERP helps to manage time off for employees. 

The ‘Leave Type’ feature allows you to organize different kinds of leave according to your company’s rules.

The ‘Leave Period’ feature helps you track leaves over a specific timeframe, like a year, to fit how your company operates. 

With ‘Leave Allocation’, you can assign a certain number of days off to each employee, ensuring fairness and transparency.

Effective Leave Management
All-inclusive leave features

Applications, encashment, holidays, and block lists

‘Leave Application’ feature allows employees to request time off and check if it’s approved, keeping everyone informed. 

The ‘Leave Encashment’ option gives employees the choice to get money instead of taking leaves, offering a real benefit. 

The ‘Holiday List’ feature displays all upcoming holidays, so employees can plan for them in advance. 

The ‘Leave Block List’ indicates the dates when leaves cannot be requested, ensuring there are enough staff throughout the year.

Recording and requests

SowaanERP’s attendance tools help keep track of who is at work accurately and completely. 

The ‘Attendance’ tool records when someone is at work for calculating pay and evaluating performance. 

The ‘Attendance Request’ tool allows employees to query any days they were mistakenly marked absent, ensuring the records are fair and accurate. 

Super easy attendance management

Bulk uploads and auto attendance with SowaanERP

Make tracking attendance simpler with the ‘Upload Attendance’ and ‘Auto Attendance’ features. The ‘Upload Attendance’ option lets you quickly input many attendance records using a CSV file, which saves time and reduces typing errors. On the other hand, ‘Auto Attendance’ automatically marks employees as present if they are scheduled to work, based on the ‘Employee Checking’ record. This ensures accuracy without manual effort. Together, these tools make managing attendance easier, boosting both efficiency and precision. To see how these features work in action, consider checking out an HR software UAE demo.
Well-organized performance and skill management

Appraisals, promotions and skill mapping

The appraisal feature allows you to create specific templates for different jobs to evaluate staff fairly based on key factors. 

The employee promotion feature makes it straightforward for employees to advance in the company. 

The Employee Skill Map tracks employees’ skills and training, showing their strengths and areas for improvement. 

Onboarding, transfer, and separation

The Employee Onboarding feature helps employers quickly set up task lists for new hires, ensuring they start on the right foot. 

The Employee Transfer feature simplifies the process of moving employees between different parts of the company or different departments, making transitions easy. 

The Employee Separation tool organizes the steps needed when someone is leaving, making sure everything is taken care of properly. 

Super easy attendance management
Optimizing payroll system in UAE

Mass processing and additional compensation

In UAE, Sowaan ERP is making a big difference in how companies pay their workers with its ‘Payroll Entry’ and ‘Additional Salary’ features. 

The ‘Payroll Entry’ part simplifies the job of processing many paychecks at once, whether it’s for the whole company or just certain groups. 

The ‘Additional Salary’ feature allows companies to easily add extra items to paychecks. 

These features are part of what makes Sowaan ERP one of the best HR software in dubai, helping manage payroll smoothly and effectively

Reformation of periodic structuring and payroll setup

‘Payroll Period’ and ‘Payroll Setup’ tools are significant for handling payments to employees. 

The ‘Payroll Period’ feature allows companies to decide how much to pay people and calculate taxes for specific periods, ensuring they stick to tax laws properly. 

The ‘Payroll Setup’ section ensures everyone gets paid correctly and on time.

Payroll systems in UAE
Employee benefit application

Enhancing employee benefits and tax exemptions

SowaanERP has two great tools, ‘Employee Benefit Application’ and ‘Employee Tax Exemption Declaration’, that help employees handle their pay and perks better. 

The ‘Employee Benefit Application’ tool allows workers to pick the special perks they want, either one by one or all together, whenever they apply for them. 

The ‘Employee Tax Exemption Declaration’ feature lets employees declare how much money they want to set aside from their paycheck to reduce the part of their income that gets taxed.

Income tax slabs and setting up tax exemptions

Sowaan ERP’s ‘Income Tax Slab’ and ‘Setting Up Tax’ tools simplify taxing.

The ‘Income Tax Slab’ feature allows companies to apply different tax rates to different levels of earnings. 

The ‘Setting Up Tax’ tool helps companies realize that in many areas, certain expenses are non-taxable.

Tailoring taxation
Reports and effective setup

Reports and effective setup

SowaanERP has two handy tools called ‘Human Resources Reports’ and ‘Human Resource Setup’ that simplify managing your company’s staff.

The ‘Human Resources Reports’ feature provides ready to use reports with payroll details, loan information, and more employee data. 

The ‘Human Resource Setup’ tool prepares for all the important HR tasks. These features together make handling HR better by giving you detailed reports and simplifying the setup work.

Leave, fleet, and expense management

SowaanERP keeps every single record, from tracking employee time off to managing company vehicles. 

Employees can submit their expenses, allowing the business to run more smoothly and keep employees happy.

Integrated HR solutions
Access For all

Keep work flowing—on the go

The free Sowaan ERP mobile app lets you manage your business from anywhere, helping you focus on what matters most. With it, you can access your accounts, update projects and quotes, and complete tasks quickly, all using your phone or tablet.

Multilingual retail management software

Use your software in the language you find easy.

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