
About Us

SowaanERP is multi-locational, multi-user, multi-lingual, multi-currency web-based accounting system for the entire Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) chain for all sized enterprises that is fully functional to manage full operations of any business.

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Case Study

Strategic operational enhancement at hira papers with SOWAANERP

Hira Papers, a leading paper manufacturer specializing in various cardboard paper types, has established itself as a key player in the paper industry of Pakistan. Their commitment to quality and efficiency has set them apart in the competitive market.

Client Name

Hira Papers




6 months



The Challenge

Due to reliance on human operations, Hira Papers faced considerable hurdles despite their industry status. Numerous crucial aspects of their firm, including HR, Payroll, Accounts, Sales, Purchase, Inventory, and Manufacturing, were impacted by this conventional approach. The manual method reduced overall productivity and efficiency because it required more time and resources and raised the possibility of errors.

The Solution

The discovery of SowaanERP was the tipping point for Hira Papers. They made the decision to incorporate SowaanERP's modules and services after realizing how well it could optimize company operations. A wide range of tools from SowaanERP were available to help automate and enhance key business processes.

Implementation and Tracking

The deployment of SowaanERP modules kicked off on March 8th, 2023, with a tracking period that extended until September 4th, 2023. Throughout this time, the impact of the ERP system on the company's operations was closely monitored to ensure a seamless transition from manual processes to an automated, unified system.

Discovery and Decision

Hira Papers' proactive search for an effective solution to their operational inefficiencies led them to SowaanERP. The decision to adopt this ERP system was influenced by their desire to enhance productivity by automating their business processes, guided by the discovery through a targeted Google Campaign.


The adoption of SowaanERP changed the way Hira Papers conducted business. The ERP system enabled Hira Papers to drastically cut down on the amount of time spent on administrative work, lower the possibility of errors, and boost overall productivity across all departments by automating crucial business processes. Hira Papers was able to concentrate more on strategic expansion and preserving its competitive advantage in the paper business as a result of this modernization.

This case study demonstrates the significant influence that ERP solutions have on enhancing corporate operations by showing how SowaanERP can change organizations hampered by outdated manual procedures into contemporary, effective, and more productive businesses.

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