Sowaan ERP Modules

SowaanERP offers user-friendly modules that make managing your business super easy. Dive into the world of SowaanERP and discover how it can streamline your operations and enhance efficiency.

Empowering Tomorrow's Solutions

Industry Modules

Manufacturing ERP

Manage multi-level Bills of Materials, plan, track production with work orders.

Distribution ERP

Distribution ERP software gives a complete solution that combines stock keeping, order handling, helping customers, and money tracking for a better customer satisfaction.

Nonprofit ERP

Keep an eye on members, volunteers, and funding.

Retail ERP

Improve restaurants and hotels operations by managing table and room bookings.

Healthcare ERP

Handling patient records and doctor schedules. This covers booking visits, check-ups, treatments, and test results.

Agriculture ERP

Oversee a student's journey from start to finish. This covers admission, classes, and exams.

Education ERP

Oversee a student's journey from start to finish. This covers admission, classes, and exams.

Real Estate ERP

The ERP for managing properties gives full tools to make work better, lifts how things are run, and greatly raise tenant happiness and money tracking.

Lift your business higher with this advanced software SowaanERP, used all over the world, clearly guides you to success.

Core Modules

SowaanERP offers the best ERP software in Dubai to meet the special needs of businesses. Our ERP software solutions in Dubai and beyond provide customized features and robust support.

Handle financial matters from setting up to billing. Keep track of journals, ledgers, and reports.


Keep an eye on inventory. Use a location tree, track stock moves, and manage serials and batches.


Follow the journey from first contact to sale. Track leads, opportunities, emails, and calls.


Handle purchasing stuff in Sowaan ERP from material acquisition, getting price quotes from suppliers to making purchase orders.


Track leaves and attendance. Manage expenses, salary, hiring, and review performance.


Manage projects and tasks. Link them with billing and costs.


Track customer problems and tickets. Make sure service stays good and follow up on responses and fixes.


Fixed asset management and tracking with depreciation, asset allocation and movement tracking

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